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About this Blog

Tree Huggers United is a blog dedicated to bringing awareness to environmental problems ranging from ocean acidification to a decrease in biodiversity. Having an informed public is key to making a change happen, as numerous people are still oblivious to a simple fact: the actions of human beings impact the environment, and not in a positive way. This blog focuses on five main subcategories of environmental issues:

  • Climate Change

  • Ocean Acidification

  • Decrease in Biodiversity

  • Ozone Depletion

  • Deforestation

In addition to the problems, this blog will also discuss science, new technology, and politics. The main focuses include:

  • Energy

  • New research & science

  • Federal agencies

  • New Laws & regulations


Proper analysis of these problems and solutions providing insight and evidence to allow for correct understanding brings proper awareness to these issues. After all, an educated public is key to creating a society that places the proper implications on issues while understanding their consequences.

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